Sunday, July 26, 2009

Social: The cost of raising children

Lite FMs "Topic of the Day" 27-07-09

There was a lot of talk about how much it costs to raise kids. A number of callers would call in to remark about this or that toy and gadget such as PS3s.

Another part of the conversation did touch on the how large families could not afford to give all their children good education and a good head-start in life. Or that when the parents leave this life, there is not much left behind.

The cost of raising children is insubstantial. Yes, it is irresponsible to have more kids than you could afford. But the major issue missed is the fact that it is not about the money. It is about the good values you invest and teach and inculcate into your kids. Whether its with pinky lovey gestures or a nice thick rotan. I have memories of a wire clothes hanger that thought me that doing anything "bad" is really bad for me.

I was reading The Star newspaper over the weekend about old folks being dumped at hospitals by their children. This is a significant social problem. And it shows the quality of parenting. It shows what the parents are teaching their children. That life is about money, that life should be easy, that living day to day means being selfish.

This is screwed up.

The greatest, most valuable thing you could invest into your children is a good moral compass with a healthy dose of care. It is not about having fancy PS3s or a grand international university education. It is nice to have toys, it is an advantage to have a grand piece of paper. But in life, its about hardwork, being kindly and honest to your fellow man/woman, being courageous and tough against all odds. These are the important bits - the good and indomitable spirit.

Without which you as a parent would be abandoned at a hospital. It is the failure of parents to teach courage, kindliness and humility that pervades our society and affects us on all levels - from Teoh to Altantuya, from the PKFZ to the MACC, from the wasteful society to the over-privileged.

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